This year to celebrate World Book Day, we would like to invite all staff and pupils to come to school in their pyjamas, a dressing gown or lounge-clothes, to show the importance of bedtime stories. This will take place on Thursday 7th March 2024. We would also like pupils to bring in their favourite night-time book.
Pupils across the school will have opportunities to share stories with others and even attend Cedar Hall’s famous Reading Café. There will be World Book Day activities in all classes and we would appreciate any book donations for a book sale at the Café – pupils can bring as little as 20p to buy a preloved book to take home.
We would also like to hold a competition for the best place you can read a book! It’s called the Extreme Read; this could be on a tractor, under the table, on a trampoline or in a cupboard! Send a photo to us – the best photos could win a prize.
We thank you for your support in making this a fun and memorable event!