OFSTED Report Jan 2025
Some Parent/ Carer comments include:
'Pupils are settled and happy at this school. It is a welcoming and inclusive environment in which to learn. Adults take the time to get to know pupils well'
'The school is ambitious for pupils. It wants them to do well academically and socially.'
'The school ensures pupils are well prepared for adulthood.'
'The school site is calm, and pupils’ behaviour is managed well. Staff are skilful in supporting pupils to regulate how they feel so they are ready to engage with learning. Pupils enjoy school and want to attend. The school works hard to reduce pupils’ barriers to attendance.'
'The school prioritises personal development. The personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE) curriculum focuses upon giving pupils the tools they need to be active and healthy citizens.'
'Pupils have endless opportunities to learn outside of the classroom.'
Read the full report by clicking here.