Celebrating Success……
The Charles Culwick Helpfulness Trophy
This week the Helpfulness Trophy was won by Eve (10DG). Eve won for being kind and supportive to younger pupils and for helping when somebody was upset.
Well done Eve, thank you for your kindness.
Once a year we are able to award the Jack Petchey Leader Award to a member of staff or volunteer at the school. We are happy to do this today and can tell you a bit about the person receiving it.
Mr Chillingworth has worked at the school for over 20 years and his work has been invaluable. He has been a kind and caring person who over time has listened to and supported many of our pupils. In recent times he has worked patiently and tirelessly with our music students imparting his musical knowledge. He has also performed at our Christmas productions, in the staff band and been a great support in the singing assembly on Thursdays. We are very grateful to have him as part of the Cedar Hall team.
A big congratulations to Mr Chillingworth.
The Betty Whittingham Trophy
The winner of the Betty Whittingham Trophy for the Spring term was Millie (Diamond Class). Millie won for her kindness, friendship and sense of community. She has made huge improvements in her social awareness, listening skills and independence.
Well done Millie
The Gardening Trophy
This week the winner of the Gardening Trophy was Daniel (GB) and Riley (9S). They won for digging the soil and then wheelbarrowing it over to the compost heap.
Well done Daniel and Riley, thank you for your hard work.
The Debbie Brathwaite Trophy
The Debbie Braithwaite Trophy for the spring term was won by Sean (8H). Sean won for sorting the flower pots ready for cleaning. Well done Sean and thank you.