School Lunch Menu

Week 1

Week beginning:

24/02/25, 17/03/25

Week 2

Week beginning:

03/03/25, 24/03/25

Week 3

Week beginning:

10/03/25, 31/03/25

Please note that on occasion we may need to alter the menu, in this case a substitute as close to the original as possible will be offered.

Pupils can opt to have a school dinner or can bring in a packed lunch. School dinners are £2.40 per day, payment can be made via School gateway Pupils may bring in a healthy snack to eat at break time. Sweets, chocolates and fizzy/energy drinks are not permitted. If you are eligible for free school meals please visit the Free School Meals Page for further information.

Pack Lunch

At Cedar Hall we are very proud of our Healthy Schools status and actively encourage the pupils to make healthy choices when deciding which foods to eat.  When preparing your child’s packed lunch useful information can be found at
NHS Healthier Families to help reduce sugar and encourage a healthy lunch. Please remember when sending food into school we have a NO NUT policy due to pupils and staff members with nut allergies.